Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang ExplanationPart-2

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation Part-2 merupakan lanjutan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 tentang explanation bagian ke-1, yang berisikan soal tentang explanation text (Bab 4). Bagian kedua postingan yang sedang anda baca ini masih diambil dari Bab 4, tetapi dengan sub pokok bahasan yang berbeda yaitu, soal tentang Passive Voice, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

1. Tom opens the door. The passive is….
a. The door was opened by Tom
b. The door opened by Tom
c. The door is opened by Tom
d. The door is being opened by Tom
e. The door opens by Tom
Answer: d

2. Mary helped the boy. The passive is….
a. The boy is helped by Mary
b. The boy was helped by Mary
c. The boy is being helped by Mary
d. The boy helps by Mary
e. The boy were helped by Mary
Answer: c

3. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is….
a. The customer is served by the waiter
b. The customer are served by the waiter
c. The customer is being served by the waiter
d. The customer was being served by the customer
e. The customer was served by the customer
Answer: a

4. We are attending the agenda. The passive is….
a. the agenda are attended by us
b. the agenda is attended by us
c. the agenda was attended by us
d. the agenda were attended by us
e. the agenda is being attended by us
Answer: b

5. Dr. Ikada developed the theory. The passive is….
a. the theory is developed by Dr. Ikada
b. the theory is being developed by Dr. Ikada
c. the theory developed by Dr. Ikada
d. the theory is being developed by Dr. Ikada
e. the theory was developed by Dr. Ikada
Answer: c

B. Rewrite these sentence to put them in the activities voice.

1. The sugar water was relished by the hummingbirds.
Answer: The hummingbirds relished the sugar water.

2. Jogging is done by many people for exercise.
Answer: People do jogging for exercise.

3. A standing ovation was given to the guitar player.
Answer: People give a standing ovation to the guitar player.

4. The syllabus was handed out by the professor.
Answer: The professor handed out a syllabus.

5. The computer is being repaired by Andi
Answer: Andi is repairing a computer.

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